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#500510 - 16.02.09 20:15 USA: coast 2 coast thru Nevada and Utah
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 13
Hi, it looks like my dream might come true in 2010. The route which is in my head - as we say in German - since a long time starts in San Francisco and ends in Charleston, SC.

In Nevada I would like to travel from Reno to Virginia City (Hw 341), from their on the Hw 79 to Dayton. Then on the Hw 50 to Fallon, on Hw 50 (and 722) to Austin - Eureka - Ely - Baker. In Utah from Delta following the Hw 50, 24 and 95 to Bluff or Blanding. This should be more or less the "Western Express Route" as it is called by the Adventure Cycling Association (I don´t own these maps until now).

I have a question regarding the general weather conditions and the temperature in Nevada in May. Is this too early to ride Highway 50 or already hot? For me here in Europe it is very difficult to estimate and I am thankful for any information and advice. I am aware of the long distances without any stores, food, beverage, motels etc., but it makes a great difference if it is hot or moderate, right?! smile
Do you have special recommandations regarding equipment, accommadations, things to see on the way etc.?

Thank you in advance,

It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them ... - Ernest Hemingway

Geändert von AndreasC2C (16.02.09 20:25)
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#544953 - 09.08.09 06:51 Re: USA: coast 2 coast thru Nevada and Utah [Re: AndreasC2C]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 98
Unterwegs in Niederlande

Hallo Andreas,
Great adventure.
I have a question regarding the general weather conditions and the temperature in Nevada in May. Is this too early to ride Highway 50 or already hot

You might use weatheronline.com to figure out details about the weather/climate. But average is not always helpful. Conditions are widely spread sometimes, is my limited experience in the southwest.

Do you have special recommandations regarding equipment, accommadations, things to see on the way etc.?

Things to see: Mesa Verde; continue 163 from Bluff to Durango. After Mesa Verde Mancos is a nice tiny village to overnight.
Near Bluff there's also the wonderful Gooseneck (like Saarschleife but American size!)

NB. I only know this area in Utah/Colorado, roughly between Mexican Hat and Durango.

You will miss the Grand Canyon!?

Geändert von arizona (09.08.09 06:51)
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