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#295912 - 08.12.06 00:52 A new digital topographic map library
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Beiträge: 3
A new digital topographic map library is online now at topographic maps . The main part of the library are soviet military topographic maps, also known as genshtab maps. The library include topo maps of Central and South Asia, Middle east, Tibet, China (only west regions are presented now). Also is covered all territory of the x-USSR and Russia, mountain regions of Asia - Himalaya, Kun-Lun, Pamir, Tian-Shan. There are some maps of European countries. All published materials are free. I hope this site will be useful for all adventure travellers.
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#296882 - 12.12.06 11:57 Re: A new digital topographic map library [Re: AntonK]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 414

Thanks for the Site! laugh
Those USSR maps are hard to find. I will use them for my tour through Central Asia: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tadzjikistan (Pamir), Kyrgistan, Xinjang, Tibet and Nepal.

Cycle the world,
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#296902 - 12.12.06 13:42 Re: A new digital topographic map library [Re: whisky]
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Beiträge: 3
Are You planing to enter China from Kyrgistan, or directly from Pamir through Kulma pass? There is a new road from Tajik Murgab to Karakoram highway. But I'm not sure that it is possible to enter China through this boarder-cross for people who are'nt sitizen of Tajikista or China.
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#296968 - 12.12.06 20:09 Re: A new digital topographic map library [Re: AntonK]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 414

If time permits I would like to visit Kyrchistan and cross the border on the Kyzyl Art Pass and cycle from Osh to Bishkek, Balyksi (Lake Ysyk-Kol) to Naryn and cross the border to China at the Torug Art pass.

There is a shortcut to China however just across the border in Kyrgistan near Sary Sas. Our fellow worldcyclist Carl used this road to enter China to safe time.

The road from Murgab to the Kulma pass is depicted on my map (The Pamirs, 1:500.000, Markus Hauser, 2004) but on the map near the Kulma pass the following is written: 'In a first phase open to Chinese and Tajik Nationals only'.

As the map is from 2004 perhaps the border is open now, I don't know. Do you perhaps know where I could get that info?

Cycle the world,
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#296974 - 12.12.06 20:28 Re: A new digital topographic map library [Re: whisky]
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You may try to ask about Kulma here - http://www.tajiktour.tajnet.com/
but now this site is down, I hope temporarily. But in any case this is unreliable - by the way, Torugart pass officially is also open only to Chinese and Tajik, but really it works for all nationalities.
The road from Sary-Tash to Kashi (Kashgar) is the most reliable, but not most interesting.
About road through Kyrgistan. Yes, there is a good road from Bishkek to Isik-Kul, but there is a way more interesting - this is a new mountain road from Almati to Isik-Kul lake. I was where in 2002, it's great! But this road is extremely difficult, there are 2 pass, one of them is terrible for cyclist.
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#297032 - 13.12.06 09:37 Re: A new digital topographic map library [Re: AntonK]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
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Beiträge: 414

I will be coming from Tadjikistan and not from Kazachstan so unfortanatelly I won't be able to cycle the route from Almatyi to Isik-Kul. Perhaps another time with a little less luggage smile

There are some smaller roads leading to and from Bishkek so I'll cycle those if the road condition is not to bad and they are not too steep.

Cycle the world,
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