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#276172 - 13.09.06 03:14 TransAndalus, 2.000 kms cycling around Andalusia
Carlos Garcia
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Beiträge: 3
Sorry about my english...

Im here to make known the conclusion of the efforts from some spanish cycling and nature lovers.

Several years ago was born the plan of make a entire route in mountain bike around Andalusia. Now the project has concluded.

For us, to share this work is our best reward.

TransAndalus is a cycling route around Andalusia created by Andalusians bikers that travel across the better places and nature reserves from their country.

In this travel contrasts are the norm. The diversity of the landscapes which make up our region provides an entire spectrum: from the warm Guadalquivir valley, to leafy low mountain areas, from volcanic landscapes such as the Tabernas Desert to the white peaks of Sierra Nevada.

But this travel is also plenty of culture. The millenarian history of Andalusia has produced an immense artistic legacy that is present in the most village in the route.

So if you are interested of knowing the culture, landscapes, gastronomy, etc... of Andalusia, traveling on bike, dont forget to visit before www.transandalus.org where you can download, without charge, maps, roadbooks, GPS data... that allow to follow the marked path easily.

We hoped that you enjoy the bicycle and Andalusia.
[url=http://www.transandalus.org/] [/url] Carlos García www.rutrasbikegranada.tk
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#276298 - 13.09.06 18:33 Re: TransAndalus, 2.000 kms cycling around Andalus [Re: Carlos Garcia]
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 414

Nice website you have there laugh I especially liked the detailed maps.
A shame I can not read Spanish. Will there be an english version in the near future?

Cycle the World,

Geändert von whisky (13.09.06 18:39)
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#276471 - 14.09.06 17:26 Re: TransAndalus, 2.000 kms cycling around Andalusia [Re: Carlos Garcia]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 388
ola Carlos

maybe you can reply to a question on this forum: I've taken a look at the detailed maps and they report, for instance, a 9% "camino" and 100% "ciclabilidad" for the same track. Aren't those two data in contrast?

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#276488 - 14.09.06 19:35 Re: TransAndalus, 2.000 kms cycling around Andalusia [Re: Carlos Garcia]
Carlos Garcia
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Beiträge: 3
it would be a good idea, but there isnt a traductor between us... yet... maybe one day...

Respect the cyclability (im sure this word doesnt exist) is 100% in all the tracks, although we have tried to avoid pavemented roads. Only the 25% of 2300 kms are by small roads. The rest of the path is by ground tracks and footpaths but they allow to ride with bags or a "bob"

In spanish we say somthing like that: is better a photo that one thousands words. you can see the kind of the path in theese photos:

more photos at: http://www.transandalus.org/index.php?option=com_ponygallery&Itemid=65
[url=http://www.transandalus.org/] [/url] Carlos García www.rutrasbikegranada.tk
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#276501 - 14.09.06 20:08 Re: TransAndalus, 2.000 kms cycling around Andalusia [Re: Carlos Garcia]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 388
Gracias Carlos

the pictures you provided show large mountain tracks which would be accessible to normal touring bikes, not just MTBs...is that the worse it gets?

Geändert von Franco (14.09.06 20:09)
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#276504 - 14.09.06 20:18 Re: TransAndalus, 2.000 kms cycling around Andalusia [Re: Carlos Garcia]
Carlos Garcia
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Beiträge: 3
well, there are some worse paths but all of them has been crossed with normal touring bikes

this is one of the worse ways:
[url=http://www.transandalus.org/] [/url] Carlos García www.rutrasbikegranada.tk
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#276511 - 14.09.06 20:31 Re: TransAndalus, 2.000 kms cycling around Andalusia [Re: Carlos Garcia]
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 388
gracias again

it really doesn't look impossible for a 28" (700c) wheeler bike, even with panniers. Of course, the steepness would play a great role on making such track accessible to those bikes.
Very interesting, I'm planning a winter-spring tour of southern Spain and I'll be visiting your site a lot. Thanks again for the tip

ciao smile
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