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#75723 - 29.02.04 15:09 Touring the USA
Mitglied Übernachtungsnetzwerk
abwesend abwesend
Beiträge: 21
Unterwegs in Vereinigte Staaten v.A. (Kleinere Überseeinseln)

Hi everyone, Wilowales here.
The weather is picking up here is the state of Georgia and if you're travelling this way, pay me a visit. Ther's lots of history, hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, kayaking and rafting in the immediate area. Lots of good food, beers and wines. So, if you're interested mail me . Zunani2001@yahoo.com

Safe and Happy Trails My Friends Wilo
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#80874 - 29.03.04 23:15 Re: Touring the USA [Re: Rhys]
Nicht registriert
Hey there Wilow...

My name is Sean, I just stumbled across this site while preparing for my upcoming cycling adventure, Carlsbad, NM to LongCreek, SC... And I noticed your post and couldn't believe you were in Clayton. I've been living in LongCreek for about 5 years now, I went there to work on the river and ended up falling in love with the enitre area. I've been stuck up in Northern Indiana the past couple of months, but will be coming back down in a coupe of weeks and leaving on a bus to Carlsbad from Athens.

Anyways, I'm embarking on the pinnacle of my cycling career here in a couple of weeks, the Carlsbad trip. But I'll be back around in late May and am always up for a riding partner if you ever want to give it a shot. I have not ridin much at all in the past five years, the terrain in LC is not my favorite, all the steep hills and the complete lack of shoulders as well as the excess of logging trucks.

We'll give me a shout sometime if you need a riding partner, and check out my progress at www.residentdreamer.com/tour if you'd like, my contact info is also on the site. I made a little site so family members would know where to find my body if I don't make it back.


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